Thank you for your interest in Camplet, here you can download the latest version.
CampletExcel v7 reads and adjusts in one go all the time series that have been entered in your Excel file. The results are entered on separate sheets for the adjusted series and for the seasonal components. Also, charts depict these results for any selected time series. Next, a window can be opened for each time series, quoting the setting of the 5 parameters that rule the adjustment of this series. These settings can be altered to readjust the selected time series. The outcomes will be quoted in tables for the readjusted time series and the seasonal components, and depicted in graphs comparing the original and the revised versions.
This version includes all features including insight into the step-by-step adjustment procedure. To this end, a separate sheet is included for each time series after the first seasonal adjustment run. These sheets quote, for every single observation, the parameter setting, the percentage extrapolation error and the selected adjustment length, thus giving insight into where and why a different adjustment length has been selected. Also, whenever a time series has been selected to change the parameter settings, an additional sheet is added giving the details of the period/by/period outcomes in the selected settings.
Click here to download Camplet Excel and the manual.